
Why join our community?

The Founder’s Club Members combined have over 100 years of experience. Combining all that experience into one SOP and process that our Royalty members and Founder’s Club Members are all trained on multiple times a year to ensure a consistent training anywhere we host one in the country.

Learning Opportunities

We educate based on product knowledge and process.

Networking & Collaboration

We have tremendous support from our Guilds, they send someone to come and give knowledge and advice. Other members alike meet and collaborate on projects as ell as talk shop with industry professionals.

Brand-Neutral Support

We do not take sides on brands, we are brand neutral to ensure unity.

Member-Only Discounts

Our members receive Discounts on products, equipment and training events when they become active members!

Vision Statement: “To unite the detailing industry under the values of honesty and integrity, as well as the factors of resilience and consistency.”

Apply Here
Guilds are defined as associations of craftsmen and merchants formed to promote the economic interests of their members as well as to provide protection and mutual aid. As both business and social organizations.

Membership and application not valid until membership dues are paid